Showing 35 Result(s)

This is How You Can Tell If A Woman Is Interested In You

Reading Time: 3 minutes Dating is hard, mostly because it’s confusing. Have you ever been on a date where you thought things were going well, only to find out she’s just…not that into you? Let’s say you’re on a first date, having a great conversation, and you find yourself immediately drawn to her. You might wonder if you should …


Different Kinds of Toxic People That You Need to Get Rid of Now

Reading Time: 6 minutes Associating with the right people can be the difference between happiness and misery. You may have heard the Jim Rohn quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Others have an effect on the way we live our lives whether we like it or not. Choose your friends …


Subtle Eye Gestures That Can Help You Earn the Trust of Others

Reading Time: 4 minutes Human beings are the only primates that show the whites of their eyes. This gives us a unique range of possible signals that we can communicate with just our eyes. By knowing what different eye signals mean, and how to make those signals, we can more effectively get others to trust us and like us …


8 Common Words You Don’t Know Are Making You Sound Unreliable

Reading Time: 5 minutes Communication becomes more casual every day. Ten years ago, we never would have felt comfortable including a smiley face in an email to our boss, but now in 2017, that seems less unprofessional. While speaking and writing tend to have different guidelines, we still tend to have more fillers when speaking vs. typing a social …


Smart People Don't Choose Their Seats Randomly

Reading Time: 6 minutes Every week I have coaching session with some of our team members. In the meeting room we use most often for our meetings, there are 5 seats. I noticed that different team members chose specific seats at each meeting. And that makes a difference. Seating positions reveal a lot When we select our meeting real …


How to Build Resilience to Survive in This Difficult World

Reading Time: 4 minutes Facing difficulties is all part of life. It can often feel like we face endless challenges instead of happy endings – when we overcome one challenge, another one rears its ugly head. Some people I know grew stronger through these challenges, some became weaker and couldn’t see hope anymore. Two friends of mine were made …


The Magic of Marking down Your Mood Every Day

Reading Time: 3 minutes Let me ask you a question: what emotions did you experience today? Were you happy? Sad? Frustrated or anxious? Recalling your emotions from the last 24 hours is pretty easy but what about yesterday? Or last Friday? It starts to be a bit hard. What if I’m asking you about last month? Emotions affect us …

Productivity Psychology

Why We Keep Doing Things That Are Bad for Us

Reading Time: 5 minutes As you’re reading this, you may be checking your phone or social media, slouching in your chair, or snacking without thinking. Perhaps you’re reading this right before bedtime even though you know that the light from your electronics can negatively impact your sleep pattern.[1] We are all guilty of some of these things from time …

Productivity Psychology

Warren Buffett Says Most People End up Being Average Because They Don’t Keep This List

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sitting down and setting your life goals can be exciting and motivating. It gives us purpose, sets clear intention, makes us feel productive and creates the feeling of moving forward. But have you ever started out making a mental or physical list of your goals only to end up with quite a few? Then when …