Showing 113 Result(s)
It's So Random

Tech Travelling: 9 Must-Haves for Your Big Trip

Reading Time: 3 minutes Map reading, shaky language skills, tipping etiquette—some aspects of travel can be a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, tech has now made travelling less awkward, taking us way past all those paper boarding passes and clunky camcorders. So, be a tech-savvy traveller and lighten your load by considering these tips, apps, and gadgets before hitting the road or …

It's So Random

6 Ways to Make Sure You Get the Loan You Need

Reading Time: 4 minutes Remember in grade school when your teachers would warn you about your “permanent record?” At some point, you most likely figured out that was just a scare tactic to keep you in line until you graduated high school. Once you entered the “real world,” you were soon introduced to another permanent record of sorts: your …


A Quick Guide To What Successful People Eat For Breakfast (Infographic)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Your morning routine can quite literally set the tone for the rest of your day. You can purposely set your alarm an hour early just to hit snooze a dozen times, or you can rise with intention and take control of your life. This one small decision can have a profound impact on your overall success …

It's So Random

(Infographic) 21 Most Dangerous Food in the World

Reading Time: 3 minutes While some foods are known for being dangerous to your healthy lifestyle, such as crisps or chocolate, chances are they’re not actually going to risk your life. According to the latest infographic from the smart people over at Business Insider, there are a range of foods that actually pose a real threat to your life. Whilst …

It's So Random

48 Men Tell Us Things They’ve Been Hearing Too Much In Their Lives

Reading Time: 3 minutes As feminists gain more and more rights for women, and as minorities fight tooth and nail for equality, it is easy to ignore the pain and shame most men endure as they grow up. Fortunately, these 48 men were brave enough to tell Huffington Post exactly what cruel, cutting phrases they hear too much. Here …

It's So Random

4 Habits You Need to Know That Will Change Your Life Forever

Reading Time: 4 minutes Ever heard of the phrase “live a life of intention?”  One of the most important times of my life was a few years ago when I realized the success I desired, personally and professionally, would only come once I instituted the habits necessary to reach my goals. Up until that time I had motivation, but …

It's So Random

5 Things To Keep In Mind When Relocating Your Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes Moving your business sounds simple, right? Just hire a company and go to the new location! Slow down just a minute! Planning ahead is going to make a big difference in making this go more smoothly. Let’s look at some common relocating mistakes and how to avoid them. Plan ahead This sounds pretty obvious, but if …

It's So Random

Natural Happiness: The Truth About Exercise and Depression

Reading Time: 4 minutes We all want to be happy, but is there anything you can actually do to feel happier more often? Or, at the very least, can you limit the likelihood that you’ll feel sad and depressed? There isn’t a single perfect answer, of course, but research is starting to reveal the incredible connection between our physical actions and …

It's So Random

10 Delectable Brownie Recipes

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’re not doing so already, think of your typical, run-of-the-mill brownie. Now, get that out of your mind, because the recipes that follow are anything but ordinary. While many of the following brownie recipes are a little more involved, most don’t require much more than mixing the ingredients together and throwing the batch in …