Showing 113 Result(s)
It's So Random

The 8 Best U.S Cities to Start a Business In

Reading Time: 3 minutes While a well-developed new business can survive in challenging circumstances, there are certain U.S cities that provide the most fertile soil to bring your business from a seedling to a thriving operation. But what makes these locations the best? A variety of factors interact to create the ideal circumstances for a new business venture – …

It's So Random

5 Alarming Signs That Your Business Is Failing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Starting a business with a great idea doesn’t necessarily mean success. Launching a startup is surprisingly simple, but no one wants a bad start. When a business fails, entrepreneurs sometimes feel that the failure came out of nowhere. The truth is that very few businesses fail without warning. Here are five signs that your business is …

It's So Random

Science Says People Who Curse Are More Fluent In Languages

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s a common misconception that people who curse a lot are not as smart as people who don’t. You’ll often hear people say things like “Profanity is a sign of limited intelligence.” Or “Curse words are just a dumb person’s way of filling a sentence.” However, a new study has found that those who have a …

It's So Random

Amazing Benefits Of Papaya (+5 Refreshing Recipes)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Rightly called as “fruit of the angels”, papaya was once an exotic fruit but is now available in the market in any season throughout the year. The spherical-pear-shaped, deliciously sweet, buttery-soft and bright fruit does not need any more reasons to get a place at your plate. But there are some amazing health benefits of papaya which encourage you …


How to Handle your Property Damage Claims after an Auto Accident

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’ve been in an auto accident, the first thing you want to do is to make certain that you aren’t injured in any way. Once you’ve done that, you can see to your vehicle. In most car collisions, the drivers aren’t injured at all, but the vehicles have hundreds or, more likely, thousands of …

It's So Random

How People Who Lack Attention In Their Childhood Love Differently

Reading Time: 5 minutes I spent a lot of my early adulthood trying to work out what “love” really was. I was not in a good place emotionally and mentally. I’d endured a lot as a child and had a lot of difficulty loving myself. Fortunately, through many years of self-discovery and support of my husband, I was able …