Showing 136 Result(s)
It's So Random

Why Are My Plant’s Leaves Turning Yellow?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you love having indoor plants but you can’t keep them alive to save your life? It usually starts when a leaf starts to turn yellow, crumple, and then fall off the plant. You think it’s underwatered, so you start watering it more. Then your plant gets waterlogged and wilts. How did this happen? Where did you …

It's So Random

Joseph Brodsky Explains Perfectly How to Deal With Critics and Detractors in Your Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes In 1962, a young man named Joseph met a woman named Marina. They lived in Russia together. They shared a passion for art. He wrote poetry. She created paintings. They fell in love and had a child together. It was shaping up to be a good life until one day in 1972, the Soviet officials …

It's So Random

The trick to being productive and happy all at once

Reading Time: 3 minutes Productivity has always been a key word in my view of myself. Not in a stakhanovist way where I would try to get an ever increasing amount of work done at any cost: I dropped my I-need-to-impress-my-dad-complex pretty early in life. I mean a more “balanced” productivity, where I would consistently do a certain amount …

It's So Random

10 Ways to Improve Your Medical Appointments

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the most important relationships we have outside of family and friends are the ones we share with our doctors and practitioners.  In this era of patient-centered care, the focus to the patients’ expectations on their doctor/practitioner have now outweighed the expectation of the doctor on the patient. So, is this a good thing? …

It's So Random

5 Types Of Communication That Determine Your Relationships

Reading Time: 3 minutes There are 5 types of communication needed to start and continue a relationship: optical, auditory, emotional, nonverbal, and verbal. From the time you see someone to the time you speak to someone, seconds of communication have already happened. Communication, in the simplest form, is sending out a message and receiving it. Messages sent out take place …

It's So Random

How I Let Myself Down By Never Being Who I Was Born To Be

Reading Time: 6 minutes Throughout most of our lives, we stumble along, never really knowing which direction will lead us to the path created just for us. Perhaps, we never believe there is such a thing and merely come across it by accident. In my case, it was something I still have trouble accepting, even six years later. I …