Showing 86 Result(s)
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Sinus Headache: Symptoms, Causes And Natural Reliefs

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’ve ever had a sinus headache, you know what a real pain it is (literally and figuratively speaking). There are many over-the-counter medications you can take to help relieve a sinus headache, but you may want to think twice before you resort to those all the time. Why? Because even though these options may …

It's So Random

Amazing Benefits Of Red Wine (+5 Refreshing Recipes)

Reading Time: 4 minutes You may have heard that red wine is a heart-healthy alternative to typical alcohol-based drinks, and even without comparison to other options, red wine holds up on its own in the nutrient-dense category of foods and beverages. Sure, you could just eat red and black grapes to get the antioxidant benefits found in wine if …

It's So Random

6 Common Myths About Workplace Stress, And How To Overcome Them

Reading Time: 3 minutes The normal business professional has anywhere from 30 to 100 projects demanding their attention at any one time. Workers today are interrupted on average seven times an hour, which leads to 2.1 hours wasted in daily distraction. Plus 4 out of 10 employees working at a larger company experience major corporate restructuring, which naturally leads …

It's So Random

7 Ways Salespeople Can Increase Their Efficiency and Effectiveness

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you are in a business that revolves around sales, you rely on your salespeople to pull through for you at all times. But, as a business owner, you can’t just expect your team to do everything without a little bit of help from you. Before you can give them that help, you must be …

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5 Reasons You Should Embrace A Healthy Lifestyle Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes Updated on September 13, 2022 Many people are stuck at the idea of getting the perfect slim body today, often so influenced by media and magazines. You are not required to look like a supermodel in order to feel good about yourself. Keeping a balanced lifestyle is key to making a few little healthy changes …

It's So Random

3 Tips for Building and Maintaining a Strong Online Reputation

Reading Time: 3 minutes For all of the advantages that social media and the internet offer us, young professionals are finding out that life in the shadows of the internet and viral sharing isn’t always beneficial. That photo you wish you wouldn’t have taken at a party in college? Prospective employers can find it if they search hard enough. …

It's So Random

8 Ways to Challenge Yourself and Face Your Fears

Reading Time: 3 minutes Some days we ooze confidence, in other areas we tend to pull back where we should lead. Like anything, confidence takes work. Especially for those who sometimes feel the burn of self doubt. We must challenge ourselves in order to lead fulfilling lives! 1. Do as the Europeans do Check out some of your European …


4 Easy Steps to Turn Your Home Video into Creative Results

Reading Time: 4 minutes Video editing has come a long way in the past couple of years. The difference between traditional and modern editing processes is that it is no longer done manually in a dark room, instead, there are software apps that help customizing videos and adding spark to the clips. With the introduction of many video editing …