Showing 75 Result(s)
It's So Random

How Does Low Carb Diet Work For Better Health And Weight Loss?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Going on a low carb diet is something almost everyone has either tried, considered, or heard about at some point. However, low carb diets may mean many different things to different people. The old style low carb dieting meant you ate butter and bacon all day. Most of us know that’s not the quickest ticket …

It's So Random

Why You Should Ensure There Are No Screens In All The Bedrooms

Reading Time: 3 minutes Remember when we surfed the beach instead of surfed the net? Remember when we wrote letters instead of emails? Visited each other’s homes instead of web pages? Rang doorbells instead of Skype calls? Probably not. Well not for the younger generation anyway. Kids these days are spending more and more time in front of the screen, …

It's So Random

Beginner’s Guide To Cycling For Weight Loss

Reading Time: 2 minutes Cycling for weight loss A beginner may wonder why cycling is beneficial in cutting extra calories. It is because, when you are paddling away, most muscles of your legs and hands are utilized. You lean a bit forward from your waist but keep the posture straight. After a few rounds of paddling, your whole body produces sweat and so …

It's So Random

28 Great Things To Do Before Turning 28

Reading Time: 2 minutes 1. Travel, travel, travel and see the world Photo credit: Albumarium/ 2. Go skydiving. Just for the sake of it. Photo credit: Lakshya Lohumi/ 3. Write a book. Who knows when you will have time again? Photo credit: 4. Pick your favourite festival in the world and just get there Photo credit: PicJumbo/ 5. Do …

It's So Random

Running For Weight Loss: Workout Modules And Extra Tips

Reading Time: 3 minutes When we decide we need to lose weight, many of us immediately strap on our running shoes and head out the door. When it comes to burning off extra calories, running is an excellent option. In fact, the average 150-pound person can burn off around 100 calories per mile! While running for weight loss is …