All Posts by

Brian Lee

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Food and Drink

10 Best Coffee Makers that Make Amazing Coffee Anywhere at Any Time

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you want a cup of great coffee, you’re likely to go to the coffee shop. After all, it’s easier to let others make a good one for you (and maybe even add a design on top) than to do it yourself. It’s also convenient and leaves you with nothing to clean up. Even if …


Dismissing Sadness Will End up Making You Sadder

Reading Time: 3 minutes No one wants to be unhappy. We can mostly accept this as an universal truth. We often actively seek to avoid unhappiness even though it does come for all of us: breakups, school failings, disappointments in personal relationships, frustrations at work. In the last 5-10 years especially, there’s been an increasing amount of discussion about …


How To Know A Person’s True Personality When We Are So Good At Disguise Nowadays

Reading Time: 8 minutes Wouldn’t it be great if we could always tell whether someone is who they say they are or if they’re just faking it? Usually our instincts help us differentiate between authentic and untrustworthy people, but sometimes we misjudge. First impressions are critical, but they are only a brief snapshot of a person’s character.[1] We are …


All the Essential Items for Men’s Minimalist Outfits

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you picture success, you may think about the great accomplishments of people like Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs. You’ve likely read articles about how these successful people get inspired and stay productive. One thing you may not have noticed was that some of the most influential people in the world take a minimalist approach …


Subtle Eye Gestures That Can Help You Earn the Trust of Others

Reading Time: 4 minutes Human beings are the only primates that show the whites of their eyes. This gives us a unique range of possible signals that we can communicate with just our eyes. By knowing what different eye signals mean, and how to make those signals, we can more effectively get others to trust us and like us …

Food and Drink

10 Best Water Bottles That Are Stylish and Multifunctional

Reading Time: 5 minutes Even if you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you know how important it is to stay hydrated. Whenever you participate in outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, or camping, you need to carry water with you. As people recognize how difficult it can be to drink enough water every day, …


8 Common Words You Don’t Know Are Making You Sound Unreliable

Reading Time: 5 minutes Communication becomes more casual every day. Ten years ago, we never would have felt comfortable including a smiley face in an email to our boss, but now in 2017, that seems less unprofessional. While speaking and writing tend to have different guidelines, we still tend to have more fillers when speaking vs. typing a social …


Smart People Don't Choose Their Seats Randomly

Reading Time: 6 minutes Every week I have coaching session with some of our team members. In the meeting room we use most often for our meetings, there are 5 seats. I noticed that different team members chose specific seats at each meeting. And that makes a difference. Seating positions reveal a lot When we select our meeting real …


I’ve Read More Than 500 Cover Letters and Here’s What I’ve Spotted

Reading Time: 4 minutes There are about 3.69 million results on a Google search for “cover letter template,” which isn’t surprising. Many are concerned with making sure they have the right cover letter format, so they go searching for a template. Here’s the problem with that approach: by definition, a template (especially those residing on Page 1 of Google’s …