Showing 136 Result(s)
It's So Random

10 Time-Saving Language Learning Websites (For Busy People)

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re a busy person. Either you’ve got a job you work hard at, a business you run yourself, or perhaps you’re out traveling the world (congrats!). But your goal is to learn a new language this year, and you have no idea how you’ll fit it into your …

It's So Random

10 Reasons Every Woman Should Shave Her Head at Least Once

Reading Time: 3 minutes I’ll never forget the day I buzzed the hair off my head for the first time; the excitement of watching my hair fall to the floor and then, finally, the sound of the clippers buzzing away what was left in neat little rows. I kept my head buzzed for years, alternating it between a cute bob, …

It's So Random

Six Scientifically Proven Ways a 30-Minute Walk In The Forest Will Improve Your Health

Reading Time: 4 minutes There is something inherently magical about a walk through the forest. Just imagine the trees towering around you, sunlight peeking through the tops, the texture, and crackle of the uneven ground beneath your feet. You can almost feel the magic now. We all know that getting out into nature is good for the soul, but …

It's So Random

Why You Should Be Tracking Your Health in a Personal Health Record

Reading Time: 4 minutes We are all responsible for our own health. Our doctors are trusted advisers, but we are in the driver’s seat when it comes to making sure we are following their prescriptions, leading a healthy life, taking our medications as prescribed, and generally following their instructions. Keeping track of all of this data is a chore. In …

It's So Random

Career Hints – 5 ways to overcome a disagreement with your supervisor

Reading Time: 4 minutes Most of us have experienced a disagreement with our supervisor at some point in our careers. While these events may seem traumatic at the time, the reality is that if you handle the situation correctly it may actually be beneficial, because our actions show that we can negotiate our way through difficult situations and arrive …

It's So Random

This Comic Accurately Shows The Process of Heartbreak

Reading Time: < 1 minute Being in love can be great, the feelings and memories attached are like no other. However, unfortunately, not all love lasts and anyone who has gone from being in a relationship to being single will tell you that heartbreak can suck. We all deal with heartbreak differently and there is most certainly no right or wrong …

It's So Random

Beer Cellaring 101: Which Beers Are Best Suited To Ageing and Storing?

Reading Time: < 1 minute Wine is notoriously known for its ageing process – the longer it stays unopened, the better it tastes. One of the hottest trends right now is ageing craft beers, however not all beer should be aged. Even when it comes to beers that can be aged for a better taste and flavour, there still comes a …

It's So Random

Science Explains Why People Love Heavy Blanket With Air-Con In Summer For Sleep

Reading Time: 5 minutes Blasting the air conditioner (AC) in the summer while sleeping cozily beneath a plush, heavy blanket or two may seem crazy to some; but, for others…it’s just what the doctor ordered for a good night’s rest. Many people love sleeping under heavy blankets while running the AC in the heart of summer. They’re often criticized …

It's So Random

Why You Should Walk, Not Run, For Weight Loss And Better Health

Reading Time: 4 minutes Are you a busy individual who wants to live healthier and look better? If so, ditch the lousy excuses and start a walking program immediately! Walking isn’t just for getting around – it can also be a highly effective way to keep you in good shape! Here are some excellent reasons why you should walk, NOT run, for weight loss …

It's So Random

10 Healthy And Portable Meals You Can Eat On The Go

Reading Time: 3 minutes We don’t always have enough time to eat meals at home, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t eat healthy, even when we’re at work. These healthy and portable meals are good because: They are full of vitamins. They have plenty of protein. You will feel full after eating them — meaning you’ll crave less food. So …