Showing 34 Result(s)
Productivity Psychology

Warren Buffett Says Most People End up Being Average Because They Don’t Keep This List

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sitting down and setting your life goals can be exciting and motivating. It gives us purpose, sets clear intention, makes us feel productive and creates the feeling of moving forward. But have you ever started out making a mental or physical list of your goals only to end up with quite a few? Then when …

It's So Random Productivity

How to Become Productive Without Getting Stressed Out

Reading Time: 3 minutes Being productive is more important than ever in this age. As technology improves, the expectations that we are under from our jobs, our family and even our friends also seem to rise. Therefore, we all look for ways to be efficient as we can in all areas of our lives. But how do we do …


What to Keep and What to Toss? Asking These 15 Questions Can Make Decluttering Easier

Reading Time: 6 minutes I recently moved to a new state and a new home. Moves like that are always exciting/scary/full of unknowns, but the one thing you can always count on is that you will be overwhelmed by how much stuff you have. It never fails: I begin packing a room and I’ve only just begun when I …


Want to Organize Your Messy Life? Take Up This 30-Day Challenge

Reading Time: 3 minutes Becoming a minimalist takes dedication. Simplifying your life isn’t easy and requires careful thought and consideration. What can you live without? Where do you even begin? Here are several challenges you can commit to for 30 days to get you on your way to becoming a minimalist. Day 1: Define what minimalism means to you[1] …


8 Psychological Tricks To Help You Nail the Interview of Your Dream Job

Reading Time: 6 minutes Why You Should Focus on Psychology in Your Next Interview Whether you realize it or not, psychology impacts every aspect of your life. For example, color psychology is used by marketing companies to influence the products you buy. You can even use color psychology to help make a good first impression, which is something we’ll …


These 10 Entrepreneurs Are Proof That Money, Age and Education Can’t Stop Them from Succeeding

Reading Time: 5 minutes Many people dream of owning their own company and being their own boss. But only a handful of those people actually do it. Many of us simply fall into a routine of working for someone else. No matter what your dream in life is, you can achieve it! Here are some famous entrepreneurs who have …


6 Rules Successful People Live By to Learn Faster and Better Than Everyone Else

Reading Time: 4 minutes While we were all born with a desire to learn, somewhere along the line, many of us lose our passion for learning. The pressure to excel in life with emphasis on exam scores takes away the joy that comes from learning. Whatever the reasons, once the basics are covered, many people tend to stick with …


How to Be Successful? The Stories of These 15 Entrepreneurs Can Give You Some Ideas

Reading Time: 6 minutes Passion, motivation, the desire to take risks and confidence. These words define an entrepreneur. Perhaps these words makes you envision Steve Jobs and his black turtleneck. Maybe you see the iPhone as one of the most important ideas of all time. Or maybe when you think about an individual who brought a unique idea to …


7 Common Struggles of Minimalist Beginners and How to Overcome Them

Reading Time: 4 minutes Let me paint a very familiar picture for you – you wake up, go to your bathroom and get a bit agitated because your family members misplaced all the hygiene products, which along with those that already don’t have a place make quite a mess. Then, a bit agitated from the very beginning of the …

Productivity Time Management

You Only Need 20 Minutes For An Insanely Productive Day (With This Morning Ritual)

Reading Time: 3 minutes         Picture this: you start the day on the wrong foot. Say the alarm didn’t buzz. So, you take a hurried shower and have burnt toast for breakfast, the kids decide to disappear at the instant your car refuses to start, and basically, everything goes south from there. It’s like Murphy’s Law: …