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What to Keep and What to Toss? Asking These 15 Questions Can Make Decluttering Easier

Reading Time: 6 minutes I recently moved to a new state and a new home. Moves like that are always exciting/scary/full of unknowns, but the one thing you can always count on is that you will be overwhelmed by how much stuff you have. It never fails: I begin packing a room and I’ve only just begun when I …


Defense Mechanism: How Does Your Body React To Things That Do Not Happen As You Wish

Reading Time: 4 minutes According to Sigmund Freud in the psychoanalytic theory, a defense mechanism is a tactic developed by the ego against anxiety.[1] Security mechanisms are thought to guard the mind against feelings and thoughts that are too difficult for the conscious mind to cope with. Also, Wikipedia defines a defense mechanism as an unconscious emotional mechanism that …


Signs You’re in a Codependent Relationship and It’s Time to Fix It

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever been in a relationship that seemed very one way? Perhaps one person was doing most of the giving and the other person was doing most of the taking? One of the main signs of co-dependency is when someone’s sense of purpose revolves around their partner’s needs. It can leave them feeling trapped, …


You’re Paid to Work, Not to Endure Verbal Abuse. Don’t Be Intimidated

Reading Time: 4 minutes As adults, most of us don’t have to deal with the same kind of bullying and verbal abuse we might have faced as kids, but this kind of abuse does happen in the workplace fairly regularly. A 2014 survey from the Workplace Bullying Institute [1]found that 27 percent of all American workers are being bullied at …


Take This Resilience Test to Know Yourself Well Before the next Big Challenge Comes

Reading Time: 2 minutes The song by Big Sean, ‘Bounce Back’ has been stuck in my head lately. The catchy hit starts off with, “Last night took an ‘l’ but tonight I bounce back.” Popular songs aside, how well do you bounce back when you take a loss? I know sometimes I experience something challenging, and I let it …


Want to Organize Your Messy Life? Take Up This 30-Day Challenge

Reading Time: 3 minutes Becoming a minimalist takes dedication. Simplifying your life isn’t easy and requires careful thought and consideration. What can you live without? Where do you even begin? Here are several challenges you can commit to for 30 days to get you on your way to becoming a minimalist. Day 1: Define what minimalism means to you[1] …


Everything You Need to Become a Negotiation Expert (from Major Strategies to Small Tricks)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever walked away from a conversation feeling as though you didn’t represent your wants and needs? If so, you may need to refine your negotiation skills. In theory, negotiation should be easy. You ask for something, and the other person responds with a “Yes” or “No.” In reality, it’s trickier than that. This …


How to Overcome a Trauma and Be Even Stronger Than Before

Reading Time: 5 minutes Trauma. For some, the word conjures up images of the emergency room and doctors. For others, they recall the time their parents first yelled at them. And for others, it was learning their spouse wanted a divorce. Trauma is experienced by everyone, in different ways. I once heard there is no measuring tool against which …

Food and Drink Health Health Problem & Disorder It's So Random

The Actual Reason Why We Spend Excessive Time in Toilet Despite High Fibre Intake.

Reading Time: 4 minutes We don’t always like admitting our toilet problems but when it comes to constipation, chances are you’ve experienced this condition more than once. This is because it’s a hugely common problem affecting adults and children of all ages. But what causes constipation? We’re often led to believe it’s solely down to lack of fibre in …