Showing 2 Result(s)
Productivity Time Management

You Only Need 20 Minutes For An Insanely Productive Day (With This Morning Ritual)

Reading Time: 3 minutes         Picture this: you start the day on the wrong foot. Say the alarm didn’t buzz. So, you take a hurried shower and have burnt toast for breakfast, the kids decide to disappear at the instant your car refuses to start, and basically, everything goes south from there. It’s like Murphy’s Law: …

It's So Random Time Management

5 Tech-Savvy Ways To Save Time When Grocery Shopping

Reading Time: 3 minutes I did not like the amount of time I had to spend to shop in stores. I knew that the long search for items in stores, inability to check online inventory, or even stressful parking, can be left behind with a modicum of technology. The brick-and-mortar retail was lagging behind online retail in technology. But …