If you’ve read the book “Defiant”, about POWs held captive during the Vietnam War, you can’t help but think of how persistent the human spirit can be when put under not only immense physical pressure but also emotional stress. And what about spending 27 years in prison like Nelson Mendela did? Given the worst of circumstances, a majority of us will surely have moments of giving up and only a few will constantly put up a fight.
It can be said that we are our worst enemies and that the mind is the only barrier stopping us from getting what we want out of a bad experience. If only we are able to fluidly position our minds and be able to extract the positives, no matter how minute, out of a bad situation, then we will be successful in overcoming tough times no matter what.
Here are our 6 tips to help you stay positive in tough times and we hope that it will help you overcome any obstacles you might have in life now.
Most of the time we become angry at ourselves for being in a tight situation. The moment we get into an unfavourable place, we blame ourselves for not being good enough to avoid it. Sometimes, our ego eats away at our motivation as well because we are unable to accept our weaknesses.
The solution? Laugh in the face of adversity! And we mean literally. You will be surprised that it will work wonders. By not taking ourselves too seriously, we will eventually be more accepting of our weakness. Can’t get a laugh? Be around a funny friend or watch a comedy.
Out of all the bad things that have happened, there are the good things that we have done and achieved. Think about the last time you did something great which is also relative to the sticky situation you are in. For example, if you’re a salesperson and business have not been good, think about those times when you really soared and possibly the greater things in life such as being top in sales before.
When the going gets tough, the tough exercise. Exercise has been proven time and time again to be able to shove stress under the rug and keep it there until you are in the right mindset to tackle it. And even if you are not facing hardship, try to keep active for about 20 minutes a day which experts say will benefit mind, soul and body.
Do remember that judging is a basic survival instinct that we humans have developed to assess our surroundings for danger. Everyone judges and you shouldn’t care about what people might say because more often than not, the one judging with a lack of any concrete information is not any better themselves as they can be judged as having a closed and ignorant mind.
And most often, it is the things that we cannot control that we fret most about. But how about looking at the bigger picture and focus on the things that you can control instead. For example, a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer and instead of fretting over the illness, her husband has been trying hard to improve her current way of life by bringing her on holidays and changing her diet for the better.
Psychologist, Tony Bernhard, mentioned that slowing down when your stress level is high can help reduce that stress. Give it a try when you’re thinking, surfing the internet or cleaning the house and slow it down to the point of slow motion and you will experience the stress sliding out form you.
Featured photo credit: Positive Mindset via businessmindsunited.com
The post 6 Evergreen Tips To Help You Stay Positive In Tough Times appeared first on Lifehack.
Source: Lifestyle