Showing 136 Result(s)
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8 Benefits of Tea Tree Oil That Will Surprise You (+Beauty Recipes)

Reading Time: 4 minutes If the Earth indeed has anything close to a magical potion in the healthy and beauty section, it would be tea tree oil. For those who are not too familiar with the benefits of tea tree oil, no, it does not provide instant healing and neither does it make you immortal. But what it can …

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NO MORE SANDWICHES! 20 Handy Non-Sandwich Lunch Recipes

Reading Time: 6 minutes While sandwiches are perfect for days when we’re running late or have a hankering for a kid-like lunch again, take a step outside the (lunch) box and try a few non-sandwich lunch recipes once and awhile. You can create a more exciting, more satiating, and possibly healthier lunch with just a few tweaks here and …

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10 Quick Easy Workouts To Get Rid Of Back Fat At Home

Reading Time: 3 minutes Stubborn fat clings to certain areas of the body and holds up mighty resistance against our best fat-loss efforts. When it comes to the upper body, fat around our back and shoulders often results in the dreaded bra bulge. So, what does a girl (or guy) have to do to get their sexy back? First, …

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10 Effective Ways To Stop Hiccups Instantly

Reading Time: 3 minutes We all know how annoying hiccups can be. They always seem to come at the most inconvenient times and overstay their welcome, but there are some easy ways to get rid of hiccups once you understand what causes them. Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, occurring at the same time as a contraction in …

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Surprising, Money-Saving Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Reading Time: 5 minutes Lately you have been noticing that you are looking more tired and perhaps a bit older than you should. You have seen yourself in the mirror and spotted dark circles under your eyes. You consider using creams but many of the products available are expensive and you are not even sure if they will work. …

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How To Get Rid Of Bloating Fast

Reading Time: < 1 minute What caused our belly so puffy? If you’ve got the uncomfortably-full feeling and a distended tummy, it can sometimes mean something more serious, but it’s usually caused by three simple things: Constipation Gas that’s trapped in your digestive system Fluid retention How to treat bloating instantly with over-the-corner solutions? Massage your abdomen. Experiment with products …

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10 Powerful Foods To Help Lower Blood Sugar Quickly

Reading Time: 7 minutes Blood sugar is a sneaky health issue, but there are many powerful foods that can help you lower blood sugar levels efficiently and quickly. First, in order to understand why high (and low) blood sugar occurs, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what triggers blood sugar highs and lows, and it all starts …

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12 Homemade Treatments To Get Rid Of Dandruff Quickly

Reading Time: 5 minutes Dandruff can be a very embarrassing condition to have because it is so noticeable to others, but many people have had or will have dandruff at some point in their life. People who have dandruff are always looking for ways to eliminate those white flakes for good, but since there are so many different dandruff …

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Don’t Believe These 5 Credit Card Lies

Reading Time: 3 minutes No matter where you turn, someone’s giving advice about credit cards — bankers, bloggers, credit counselors, frequent flyers, and more. The problem is, much of it is either contradictory or self-serving. We’re here to separate fact from fiction. Lie 1: You Shouldn’t Cancel Credit Cards If you call up your credit card company and tell …