Showing 14 Result(s)
Food and Drink Health

What Is Your Personal Chronotype And How It Tells When is Your Best Time To Drink Coffee?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ah, coffee. Ask anyone who knows me, and they will tell you I cannot function (nor do I want to) until I’ve had my coffee. While most people agree with this mindset, for me it has nothing to do with my energy level. In fact, coffee/caffeine doesn’t seem to do much for me as far …


How to Worry Less: 90% of What You Fear Won’t Happen

Reading Time: 3 minutes What if? What if it doesn’t work out? What if I’m wasting my time? Everyone will know I failed, and then everyone will hate me. Do any of these debilitating questions sound familiar to you? You’re not alone. Anxiety disorders [1] are on the rise, and unfortunately it’s our own fault. The way that we process …


How to Differentiate Between Real Love and Superficial Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the many things human beings seek during their lifetime is a loving companion. In other words, find real love instead of superficial love. This is hard to come by depending on who you ask, and each person will tell you a different story. But the truth of the matter is love finds you …


How Not to Give up at the Most Difficult Time

Reading Time: 5 minutes Think back to the last time you looked for a job. Chances are, you were on the hunt because the job you were currently in wasn’t fulfilling. You made the choice to start putting in applications, even though you knew you would face some rejection. With every “thank you for your application, but we’ve hired …

Career Advice Work

How To Climb Up Your Career Ladder Faster Than Others In A Big Corporate.

Reading Time: 4 minutes When you are working for a large company, it’s easy to feel like a little fish in a big pond. Perhaps despite your best efforts, you aren’t advancing along your career path as quickly as you would like. There are so many people vying for top positions that showcasing your talents can be a struggle. …

Food and Drink Health It's So Random

Struggling With Quick Healthy Breakfast Options?Start Your Morning With These 10 Healthy Muffins Ideas!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Keeping fit is no easy task. However, for the sake of your health, the pan and difficulty are worth it. There are a lot of aspects to keeping yourself in good health. You could try exercising, yoga and meditation, in the guidance of expert yoga teacher and trainer. However, none of these will mean anything …


Is It Normal to Feel Jealous of Your Good Friends? Yes but You Can Reduce It by Learning These

Reading Time: 3 minutes I could literally feel my friend’s jealousy seething through my Facebook feed. After posting a status update of myself sipping from a freshly picked coconut on the beach in Fiji I noted how a few “I *really* hate you now”, casual comments on my wall reflected something much deeper. Intense jealousy. I have been on …


4 Simple Ways to Make Boring Work Become Interesting

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you bored at work right now? Sitting at your desk, wishing you could be anywhere other than here, doing anything else…? You’re not alone. Even when you have a job you love, it’s easy to get bored. And if your job isn’t something you’re passionate about, it’s even easier for boredom to creep in. …


A Negotiation Is Like a Game, You Can’t Get the Best Deal Without a Strategy

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever been in a position where you had to negotiate something? Perhaps you tried to get a better deal on something, perhaps tried to make two arguing friends see sense. In a negotiation situation, it can be difficult to know what to do or say. A negotiation is like a game, if you …

It's So Random Productivity

How to Become Productive Without Getting Stressed Out

Reading Time: 3 minutes Being productive is more important than ever in this age. As technology improves, the expectations that we are under from our jobs, our family and even our friends also seem to rise. Therefore, we all look for ways to be efficient as we can in all areas of our lives. But how do we do …