Showing 9 Result(s)

How To Know A Person’s True Personality When We Are So Good At Disguise Nowadays

Reading Time: 8 minutes Wouldn’t it be great if we could always tell whether someone is who they say they are or if they’re just faking it? Usually our instincts help us differentiate between authentic and untrustworthy people, but sometimes we misjudge. First impressions are critical, but they are only a brief snapshot of a person’s character.[1] We are …


The Types of Jobs That Won’t Be Taken Over By Artificial Intelligence

Reading Time: 4 minutes Your resume will probably look pretty quaint in five years. It’s not your fault. It’s just that your job and the responsibilities you hold now and have held in the past are rapidly becoming obsolete. Blame the machines. Artificial intelligence, or AI, in the form of software systems and computer-driven robotics is already taking on …

Communication Happiness

Everything Is Going To Be Fine In The End. If It Isn’t Fine, It Isn’t The End.

Reading Time: 3 minutes         Everything Is Going To Be Fine In The End. If It Isn’t Fine, It Isn’t The End. Sometimes a situation may seem terrible, but eventually, it will end. Everyone will go through difficult times in their life; maybe your relationship has ended, maybe you have lost a loved one or maybe …

Communication Man & Woman

Wife Asks Husband What Made Him Marry Her, And The Answers Are Heartwarming Yet Hilarious

Reading Time: < 1 minute Someone asked on Quora what made a man decide to marry. Then a woman asked her husband and answered the question… credit: Quora Sometimes it’s just hard to explain why you really love a person. And maybe they are right. If you find someone who can put up with all your flaws, never let him/her go! …

Communication Success

Most Of Us Underestimate What We Can Achieve In 10 Years, Check This To Avoid Regrets

Reading Time: 2 minutes Anyone can achieve their goals as long as they work on them diligently. It is human nature to want quick results, hence the common habit of overestimating what can be made in a year, and underestimating what 10 years can bring. Daily improvements can secure you only a little success, but when done over several …

Communication Man & Woman

Understanding These Five Love Languages Can Reward You With The Perfect Relationship

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the most common relationship problems is struggling to express love to someone else. Lots of people love someone, but they struggle to express their love or meet their partner’s expectations of them. This can be extremely difficult for both people in the relationship, and both partners can end up feeling upset and unloved. …


If You Don’t Like Texting, Here’s Some Good News For You

Reading Time: 3 minutes People who text frequently are more shallow, hedonistic, and do not strive towards moral goals, a new study shows. The study was the result of an undergraduate thesis project conducted by Logan Annisette. The results were published in the article “Social media, texting, and personality: A test of the shallowing hypothesis“, which appeared in the February …