Showing 3 Result(s)

Correct Your Forward Head Posture With This Simple Exercise.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Forward head posture is one consequence of being hunched over our computers, constantly looking down at our phones, and other everyday activities like washing the dishes, reading, writing, or eating. General aging can also contribute to forward head posture which gives a ‘chicken-head’ appearance when the head leans too far forward and is no longer …


Fitness Routine Day 1: How To Get Yourself Off The Couch

Reading Time: < 1 minute How will this help? No matter what’s your motivation for exercising, it’s always difficult to get started if you used to be a couch potato. To build up the momentum, let’s begin with our suggested fitness routine. In the coming 5 days, you will receive a daily activity recommendation and try to keep up with the routine for ONLY …


Effective Yoga Stretches For Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sciatic nerve pain comes from a tenderness of pain along the sciatic nerve. It will usually show up on one side of the body, although there are sciatic nerves running down each leg. They are connected at their core to several nerve roots that come from the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve runs between layers …