Showing 12 Result(s)

How to Stay Awake and Energetic No Matter How Busy Your Schedule Is

Reading Time: 6 minutes Previously I wrote an article on Why I have a Morning Routine and How It Makes Me Sharper Every Day. I discussed my morning routine and some big picture reasons on why you should adopt one yourself. However, many people have asked me for a deeper and practical look into how I do these things. …


High Achievers Are the Ones Who Make the Most Mistakes

Reading Time: 4 minutes The impact mistakes have had on most people’s lives is tremendous. At school, you were taught to answer questions with model answers. At home, you were taught to be disciplined, have good manners and follow social etiquette. And at work, you’ve become accustomed to a constant expectation that you operate in a mistake-free manner! The problem …


How Not to Give a Boring Presentation

Reading Time: 3 minutes The usual approach when preparing a presentation is putting the points into slides. But the best presentations do not seek to merely inform. They make a lasting mark. Martin Luther King’s 1963 “I Have A Dream” speech inspired a nation to reconsider their assumptions around race and social justice. Ronald Reagan’s speech in Berlin, delivered …


Why We Keep Doing Things That Are Bad for Us

Reading Time: 5 minutes As you’re reading this, you may be checking your phone or social media, slouching in your chair, or snacking without thinking. Perhaps you’re reading this right before bedtime even though you know that the light from your electronics can negatively impact your sleep pattern.[1] We are all guilty of some of these things from time …


You’re Paid to Work, Not to Endure Verbal Abuse. Don’t Be Intimidated

Reading Time: 4 minutes As adults, most of us don’t have to deal with the same kind of bullying and verbal abuse we might have faced as kids, but this kind of abuse does happen in the workplace fairly regularly. A 2014 survey from the Workplace Bullying Institute [1]found that 27 percent of all American workers are being bullied at …


Take This Resilience Test to Know Yourself Well Before the next Big Challenge Comes

Reading Time: 2 minutes The song by Big Sean, ‘Bounce Back’ has been stuck in my head lately. The catchy hit starts off with, “Last night took an ‘l’ but tonight I bounce back.” Popular songs aside, how well do you bounce back when you take a loss? I know sometimes I experience something challenging, and I let it …


Want to Organize Your Messy Life? Take Up This 30-Day Challenge

Reading Time: 3 minutes Becoming a minimalist takes dedication. Simplifying your life isn’t easy and requires careful thought and consideration. What can you live without? Where do you even begin? Here are several challenges you can commit to for 30 days to get you on your way to becoming a minimalist. Day 1: Define what minimalism means to you[1] …


Everything You Need to Become a Negotiation Expert (from Major Strategies to Small Tricks)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever walked away from a conversation feeling as though you didn’t represent your wants and needs? If so, you may need to refine your negotiation skills. In theory, negotiation should be easy. You ask for something, and the other person responds with a “Yes” or “No.” In reality, it’s trickier than that. This …


These 10 Entrepreneurs Are Proof That Money, Age and Education Can’t Stop Them from Succeeding

Reading Time: 5 minutes Many people dream of owning their own company and being their own boss. But only a handful of those people actually do it. Many of us simply fall into a routine of working for someone else. No matter what your dream in life is, you can achieve it! Here are some famous entrepreneurs who have …