Showing 22 Result(s)
Man & Woman Psychology

Every Successful Relationship Is Successful For The Same Exact Reasons

Reading Time: 2 minutes A rеlаtіоnѕhір іѕ similar tо a mіrrоr, a ѕіmрlе сrасk will just break іt оff. It needs to be hаndlеd wіth care. A perfect relationship is not еаѕіlу асhіеvаblе; уоu ѕhоuld strive to be dеdісаtеd аnd соmmіttеd tо іt. Simple misunderstandings whісh rеmаіn unѕоlvеd may mess іt up. But it is аlwауѕ possible to ѕаvе …

Psychology Social Animal

The Desire to Be Liked Will End You up Feeling More Rejected

Reading Time: 5 minutes Admit it, you feel good when other people think you’re nice. Maybe you were complimented by a stranger saying that you had a nice outfit. You felt good about yourself and you were happy for the rest of the day. We all like to feel like, whether by a stranger or a loved one. It …

Health Inspiring It's So Random Motivation

I Insisted That I Can’t Meditate. Then I Changed My Mind.

Reading Time: 4 minutes In our fast-paced society today, we seem to be in a constant struggle to keep up. While the advancement of technology has its benefits, we are now being constantly bombarded with information and feel pressured to connect and respond all the time. As a result, we often feel stressed, overwhelmed, and in a constant state …


How to Build Resilience to Survive in This Difficult World

Reading Time: 4 minutes Facing difficulties is all part of life. It can often feel like we face endless challenges instead of happy endings – when we overcome one challenge, another one rears its ugly head. Some people I know grew stronger through these challenges, some became weaker and couldn’t see hope anymore. Two friends of mine were made …


The Magic of Marking down Your Mood Every Day

Reading Time: 3 minutes Let me ask you a question: what emotions did you experience today? Were you happy? Sad? Frustrated or anxious? Recalling your emotions from the last 24 hours is pretty easy but what about yesterday? Or last Friday? It starts to be a bit hard. What if I’m asking you about last month? Emotions affect us …

Productivity Psychology

Why We Keep Doing Things That Are Bad for Us

Reading Time: 5 minutes As you’re reading this, you may be checking your phone or social media, slouching in your chair, or snacking without thinking. Perhaps you’re reading this right before bedtime even though you know that the light from your electronics can negatively impact your sleep pattern.[1] We are all guilty of some of these things from time …

Productivity Psychology

Warren Buffett Says Most People End up Being Average Because They Don’t Keep This List

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sitting down and setting your life goals can be exciting and motivating. It gives us purpose, sets clear intention, makes us feel productive and creates the feeling of moving forward. But have you ever started out making a mental or physical list of your goals only to end up with quite a few? Then when …


How to Worry Less: 90% of What You Fear Won’t Happen

Reading Time: 3 minutes What if? What if it doesn’t work out? What if I’m wasting my time? Everyone will know I failed, and then everyone will hate me. Do any of these debilitating questions sound familiar to you? You’re not alone. Anxiety disorders [1] are on the rise, and unfortunately it’s our own fault. The way that we process …


How to Differentiate Between Real Love and Superficial Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the many things human beings seek during their lifetime is a loving companion. In other words, find real love instead of superficial love. This is hard to come by depending on who you ask, and each person will tell you a different story. But the truth of the matter is love finds you …